CFF 73 |
CFF 73 has been distributed in July, 2007 — CFF 73 has the following content: |
Editorial |
Rik van Grol |
The Multiple Facets of the A7 Cube |
Dieter Gebhardt |
The Criss-Cross Design |
Dieter Gebhardt |
Puzzles with 3.5-ominoes |
Neuzil |
BurrTools |
Andreas Rover |
Pythagorese Dissections |
Edo Timmermans |
More Virtual Rotational Puzzles |
Edward Baumann |
New York Puzzle Party |
Brett Kuehner |
Dutch Cube Day 2007 |
Geert Hellings |
Finnish Puzzle Party |
Frans de Vreugd |
Puzzle News (17) |
Rik van Grol |