CFF 75 |
CFF 75 has been distributed March, 2008 — CFF 75 has the following content: |
Editorial |
Rik van Grol |
A Number Challenge |
Ton Delsing |
Some Remarkable Dexterity Puzzles |
Rik van Grol |
Design of the Elemental:Neon Puzzle |
David Litwin |
Ronald Kint-Bruynseels |
Nover Square-1 Challenges |
Dieter Gebhardt |
Puzzles with 3.5-iamonds |
Eugene Neuzil and Suzanne Neuzil |
Books and Magazines |
Rik van Grol |
Puzzle News (18) |
Rik van Grol |
Status of the CFF 75 Book |
Rik van Grol |