NKC is the acronym for

"Nederlandse Kubus Club".

Nederlandse Kubus Club

The Nederlandse Kubus Club or "Dutch Cubist Club" is a club of puzzle-enthusiasts founded in 1981. Starting with the Rubik's Cube in the early 1980's when the Rubik's Cube craze took place, the club is now much more widely oriented in the field of puzzles.

Character of NKC

The Nederlandse Kubus Club is in nature a gathering of individuals who share a common interest in puzzles. Puzzles, as in objects that "puzzle" the mind and test ingenuity and problem solving capabilities are very much enjoyed by individuals. Each person will have a different way of working with puzzles. This nature of working with puzzles is also reflected in the way the club operates.

The club exists by the virtue of a number of individuals that in their own individual way provide a service to other enthusiasts. The club has a very low-level structure. Strictly spoken there are no members. Because of the existence of a newsletter, Cubism for Fun (CFF), there is a so-called "List of Members" and those "members" pay a set fee to receive this newsletter, however there is no formal contract between the "members" and NKC.

Activities of NKC

The Nederlands Kubus Club has a number of yearly activities:

  • The production and distribution of a newsletter, Cubism For Fun, three times each year.
  • The organization of a so-called Cube Day, which is a one-day event somewhere in the Netherlands, comprising a market, lectures, etc.
  • The distribution of a "List of Members".
  • The production of the Directory of Puzzle Collectors and Puzzle Sellers

 Applications for "membership"

The membership of NKC is 17 Euro. No rights can be claimed on the basis of membership apart from receiving every issue of CFF, which is produced within the year of membership. Since 1994 CFF has appeared regularly three times each year and the plan is to continue this. CFF appears however by the virtue of a number of volunteers. If for some reason CFF does not appear or ceases to exist then no refunds are given. "Members" can pay their membership fee in advance for multiple years, but again, no refunds are given.

Applications for membership should be sent to the Treasurer.


To get the address of the Treasurer, please send a request to me: Rik van Grol.


